Senin, 02 Juni 2014

10 orang paling berpengaruh sepanjang masa

10 Most Influential People in the World All Time

10 Most Influential People in the World

Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah is a carrier of the teachings of Islam, and is believed by Muslims as a prophet of God (Apostle) last. According to traditional Muslim biographies (called sirah in Arabic), he was born estimated to be around 20 April 570/571, in Mecca ("Mecca") and died on June 8, 632, Medina. Both Cities are located in the Hejaz (Saudi Arabia today).

The people I Mentioned are the ones who are very big influence in the development of the World. They are the ones who are very Influential in the field: religion, technology, science, other science. Here are 10 of the Most Influential people in the world:
1. The Prophet Muhammad
Michael H. Hart, in his book The 100, establishes Muhammad as the Most Influential figures in human history. According to Hart, Muhammad is the only person who managed to Achieve remarkable success in terms of both religious and worldly matters. He led the nation who initially underdeveloped and fragmented, becoming the nation forward even Able to defeat Roman armies on the battlefield.

2. Isaac Nwton

Sir  Isaac Newton  was born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, January 4, 1643 - died March 31, 1727 at the age of 84 years, was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alkimiwan, and Theologian who came from England . He is a follower of the heliocentric and highly Influential Scientists in history, even said to be the father of classical physics his work  Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica  , published in 1687 is Regarded as the Most Influential books in the history of science. This book laid the foundations of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton's laws of gravity and the three laws describe the motion of the the which dominated the scientific view of the universe for three centuries. Newton was Able to show that the motion of objects on Earth and outer space objects governed by a set of natural laws are the same. He proved it by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion with the theory of gravity. His work was finally remove doubt Scientists will heliosentrisme and advancing the scientific revolution.
3. Prophet Isa
Isa  (about 1 - 32M) is an important prophet in Islam and is one of the Ulul Azmi. In the Qur'an, he called  Isa ibn Maryam  , or  Isa al-Masih . He was appointed as a prophet in the year 29 AD and was assigned to preach to the Children of Israel in Palestine.
His name is Mentioned 25 times in the Quran. He received the title of God as the  Spirit of God . The story of Jesus and then continued with his appointment as a messenger of God, the rejection by the Children of Israel and ended with his removal to heaven.

4. Buddha
Gautama Buddha  was born with the name of  Siddhartha Gautama  (Sanskrit: Siddhattha Gotama; Pali: "descendant of Gotama Whose goal is reached"), he later Became the Buddha (literally: those that have been enlightened). He is also known as Shakyamuni ("sage of the Sakya people ') and as the Tathagata. Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the northeastern region of India who is also the founder of Buddhism .  fundamentally he is Considered by followers of Buddhism as the Supreme Buddha (Supreme Buddha) in the present. Time of birth and death are uncertain: most historians of early 20th century life estimates between 563 BC to 483 BC; recently, at a symposium of experts on this issue, most of the Scientists who explained The opinion estimates ranged from 20 years dated between 400 BC to the time of death of his world, while others support the approximate date Earlier or later time.
5. Confucius
Confucianism  or  Confucian , sometimes just called Kongcu Often, 551 BC  - 479 BC. Is a teacher or a wise man and well-known  philosopher  of Chinese social. Filsafahnya concerned with personal and governmental morality, and Became popular Because of the strong principle in traditional Chinese characteristics. By the followers of Confucianism, he was recognized companies companies companies as a prophet.
The influence of Confucianism on  Chinese civilization  should not be taken lightly; his teachings have spread to Japan, Korea and Vietnam, especially through  Confucianism , a doctrine developed his Disciples and commentators.
The book  Analects  is a short work roomates contains a discussion and conversation with his students. It was conceived after she passed away and contains the core-core teachings.

6. Saint Paul
Paul of Tarsus
Also called  Saint PaulPaul of Tarsus, or  Paul. Was a Jew who calls himself an apostle to the nations lain.Menurut story, while conversion to Christianity, there was a life-changing experience that deep on the road to Damascus. Together with Simon Peter and James the Just, he is one of the most prominent  in the early Christian  missionaries. He was a  Roman citizen -a fact given him a rather special social status with regard to the law, property, and governance.

7.Ts' ai Lun
Ts'ai Lun  inventor of paper are Chinese nationals who live in the Han Dynasty, 1st century - 2nd century AD. Born in Guiyang (now in the region of Hunan province), his full name  Cai Jingzhong .
He makes paper from mulberry bark. The inside is soaked in water and pounded so loose fiber. Together with the skin, also soaked hemp materials, rags and fish nets. Once into pulp, the material is reduced to a thin and dried. Then be the paper quality is still not as good as now.
Not many records of Ts'ai Lun, besides some call the Eunuchs. He was a state employee at the imperial court. In the year 105 AD he presented a paper on the example of  Emperor Han Hedi . Notes on the discovery of this paper are in the writing of the official history of the Han Dynasty.
8. Johann Gutenberg
Zur Laden zum Gensfleisch Johannes Gutenberg (around 1398 - February 3, 1468) is a clever metal and the creator of the German who Gained fame thanks to his contribution to printing technology in the 1450s, Including alloy  metal letters  ( metal type ) and oil- based inks, to print letters Correctly mold, and a new kind of printing machines based on printer used in making wine.
The tradition of naming as a creator of  movable type in Europe, an improved printing system blocks that have been used in the region. By combining these elements in a production system, it Allows for fast printing of written materials, as well as the explosion of information on the European  Renaissance .
9.Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus  (born October 30, 1451 - died May 20, 1506 at the age of 54 years) was an  explorer  and trader who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and to the continent of America on October 12, 1492 under the flag of  Castilian Spain. He Believes that the small spherical Earth, and beranggap a ship to get to the Far East via the western route.
Columbus was not the first to arrive in America, the the the which he found was already occupied. He is also not the first Europeans to the continent since it is now Widely recognized companies companies companies that the Norsemen of Northern Europe had visited North America in  the 11th century  and founded the colony of  L'Anse aux Meadows  for a brief period. There are estimates that the unknown sailor ever visit to America before Columbus and membekalkannya the source to its former glory. There are also many theories about the expedition to America by various people all the time.
10. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein  (born March 14, 1879 - died 18 April 1955 at the age of 76 years) is a theoretical physicist who is Widely Regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He put forward the theory of relativity and also greatly Contributed to the development of quantum mechanics,  statistical mechanics , and cosmology. He was awarded the  Nobel Prize in Physics  in 1921 for his explanation of  the photoelectric effect  and "for his services to Theoretical Physics".
After the  theory of general relativity  Formulated, Einstein Became famous throughout the world, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his old age, his fame exceeded the fame of all Scientists in history, and in  popular culture , says Einstein  is Considered synonymous with intelligence or even genius. His face is one of the most recognizable in the world

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